In contrast to the shorter and less formal pieces I’ve written for The Health Trust when they’ve solicited grants from family foundations, this proposal to the County of Santa Clara had to be very detailed in order to justify THT’s request for part of a $3 million fund.
Executive Summary
The Health Trust (THT) has been a strong presence in Santa Clara County since 1996, and we remain committed to reducing health disparities by providing high-quality health services to the most vulnerable children and families. Our current offerings include oral health education and dental screenings, disease self-management courses, and the USDA’s nutrition education curricula.
THT is one of the largest non-governmental enrollment entities serving families with young children in Northern California. THT also has a proven record of successfully training others to provide health education. In fact, we are the largest trainer of peer health leaders for nationally recognized chronic-disease self-management programs in Northern California, using the “promotoras” model to provide educational curricula to the community.
THT already collaborates with a wide range of early-childhood service providers in Santa Clara County. We operate six FIRST 5 Family Resource Centers, and have close relationships with Early Head Start, Head Start, Child Development Centers, hospitals, and other agencies.
“The materials Patty produced were consistently on point, concise, professional, and compelling. With her help, we met our fundraising target for grants.”
— Health Trust acting development director