I’m proud to have been working with Community Services Agency in Mountain View, California for the better part of a decade now. Mostly I write grant proposals for them, but in 2016, they asked me to write their annual report.
Every weekday, CSA’s Food & Nutrition Center distributes food to our hungry neighbors—over one ton of food each day. The FNC also offers nutrition classes (where we send clients home with a delicious recipe and all the ingredients needed to make it) and the Challenge Diabetes healthy-eating program. Even families who get food stamps often struggle to put food on the table—and every dollar they have to spend on food is one less dollar available for housing, medical care, clothing, work transportation, and other living expenses. Food from the F&NC helps these families create nutritious meals while freeing up money for other essentials.
We receive food donations from generous local grocery stores and distributors. Your monetary contributions give us the flexibility to purchase other items as we need them so that we can keep the FNC’s shelves filled with a wide range of nutritious, culturally appropriate groceries.