My packet radio contact with shuttle mission STS-59 ax0 sent: AX25: N6BIS->W5RRR-1 SABM(P) <--this is my computer sending a connect request to the computer on the shuttle ax0 recv: AX25: W5RRR-1->N6BIS UA(P/F) <--this is the computer on the shuttle acknowledging the connection ax0 recv: AX25: W5RRR-1->N6BIS I NR=0 NS=0 pid=Text 0000 #2818-is your STS-59 SAREX QSO number <--this is the computer on the shuttle sending me a sequential confirmation number ax0 sent: AX25: N6BIS->W5RRR-1 RR NR=1 <--this is my computer acknowledging the packet containing the confirmation number ax0 sent: AX25: N6BIS->W5RRR-1 DISC(P) <--this is my computer sending a disconnect request to the computer on the shuttle ax0 recv: AX25: W5RRR-1->N6BIS DM(P/F) <--this is the computer on the shuttle acknowledging the disconnection