I was able to catch up with Tina Louise Bomberry for just a few
minutes during the filming of "Distant Drumming."
PW: What have you been doing since the last movie?
TLB: Since the last movie I did a lot of auditioning in Toronto, and I helped with the Native Earth fundraiser for the women's shelters. We did "The Vagina Monologues." So that was a lot of fun. A bunch of ladies, women of color, got together, and it was a lot of fun. We did that at the Theatre Passe Muraille in Toronto. We raised $5,000 for one women's shelter, and $5,000 for another women's shelter.
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PW: That's wonderful!
TLB: Our chief of the Six Nations, Roberta Jamieson, did a monologue. And I read with another lady by the name of Gail Maurice who was in "Big Bear." We read "Crooked Braid."
[Note: That particular monologue was developed from interviews with Native women.]
PW: That must have been a fascinating evening. And what else have you been up to?
TLB: I've been working full-time. I work with developmentally challenged adults.
PW: That must be interesting. What exactly are you doing?
TLB: I've been working there at Six Nations. It's called "Six Nations Special Services for Special People." I pretty much coordinate recreation and leisure activities.
PW: Is that a day center, or a residential program?
TLB: It's a day center, an activity center.
PW: And you say you do that full-time?
TLB: Yeah.
PW: Weren't you doing cosmetology, too?
TLB: Yeah, I finished my hair styling course. I'm doing that on the side, part-time. I took the summer off and I'm out here, having fun!
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PW: Are you thinking about opening a salon at some point?
TLB: At some point. But it's a hobby right now. I'm having a lot of fun. I've been apprenticing at various hair salons near where I live.
PW: Do you have another other theater or movie work coming up that you know of?
TLB: No, I don't.
PW: But it must be fun coming back to do the "North of 60" movies occasionally.
TLB: Oh yeah, it's great to see everybody again and keep in contact.
PW: Do we see much of Rosie in "Distant Drumming."
TLB: I'm in it as a supporting actor, so watch the show and see!
PW: We sure will! Thank you, Tina. I'll let you go and rest up before your next scene.
Text and photos (c) 2003 Patricia F. Winter.
All rights reserved. For personal use only. Do not distribute to other persons by electronic or non-electronic means (including posting on a web site) without prior permission from the copyright owner.